AI Workshop

What if you could:

  • Reduce two-thirds of your customer service requests in one month by using AI.
  •  Have AI do the work of 700 full-time agents?
  •  Drop repeat inquiries by 25%?
  •  Resolve customer service requests in less than two minutes compared to 11?
  •  Respond to requests 24/7 and communicate in 35 languages.
  •  Drive a $40MM US profit in the first year?

The Swedish company Klarna had these results one month after implementing AI into their business processes. Check out the news release here: Klarna Customer Service.

Would you be interested in doing that in your company?

What’s all the AI buzz about?

Many technologies comprise AI, from machine learning to large language models (LLMs), inference engines, image recognition, and more. Although artificial intelligence (AI) has existed since the 1960s, it’s only been in the last several years that people have started talking about how it changes everything.

The release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in 2023 made global headlines. AI now allows non-technical people to create text, images, and videos independently and with relative ease.

People in your company are already using it whether you know about it or not.

If you have not started formally, you’ll need to align your staff consistently within your company and keep your IP confidential.

(Did you know that anyone using AI today leaks IP to the LLM they are using?)

Predictions are coming out so fast that it’s hard to keep up with them, and the impacts AI will have on business are all going up. AI isn’t a fad; this time, actual results are happening – daily.

AI will fundamentally change your business and your competitors, starting today. Large enterprises already use AI in their organizations; see the link about Klarna above.

Billions are being invested this year across every industry to start new initiatives to take advantage of AI and the capabilities it brings.

You’ll also need to safeguard your internal and competitive knowledge and leverage AI with data already in your systems and platforms.

Need help figuring out where to start and don’t have an extra Billion to invest?

Introducing Insider Catalyst

In just 90 days, your hand-picked Insider Catalyst will surface game-changing ideas to reduce costs, increase revenue, improve operations, and catapult your organization ahead of the competition.

Insider Catalyst activates latent potential that already exists within your company. Your employees are experts in your products, services, systems, and customers – we empower them to put that expertise into action. 

Don’t leave AI to chance – activate the immense creativity within your talented workforce through Insider Catalyst. We provide the framework and facilitate the process while your employees give the insider perspective to deliver rapid results. 

We then equip your team with a repeatable system to continuously drive innovation from the inside.

Our approach

Everyone on the same page

We run a highly interactive 4-6 hour training workshop on the basics of AI and major components:

  • What is AI?
  • What are the components of AI?
  • What is Machine Learning.
  • What are GPTs, the top 3-5.
  • What are LLMs: Open vs. Closed
  • Putting AI into practice
    • Creating text, images, and video.
  • AI across business functions (optional)
    • Marketing – AI for content creation and pipeline management
    • Operations – Process mining and automation 
    • Product – Generative design and synthetic testing
    • Customer Service – Chatbots and support 
  • Cautions, limitations, and guard rails.
  • Building the plan.

These hands-on workshops are for everyone in your company, and they aim to get everyone on the same page to help them understand how you want to begin using AI in your company.

In the background, we help you identify your first set of AI tools, set up your personal/corporate LLM to keep your company’s IP internal and advise your attorney on guidelines on copyrights when using AI. This last step is one of the most important, so you should engage your attorney now.

90-Day Pilot

Once you have people trained in the basics, we help you start one or more pilot projects to have your staff work out how best to leverage AI within your company. They can be within any department, division, or organization.

We keep your first pilot to 90 days to get staff comfortable with the process and provide a quick win to you. The result will be an example to show others inside your company and, more importantly, your clients.

Expansion – Insider Catalyst

Imagine the energy and engagement sparking across your company as employees form teams and passionately pitch innovative ideas to senior leadership.

Through a fun and friendly internal “Shark Tank” like competition, you can unleash your staff’s entrepreneurial spirit and insider expertise to drive real business impact.

Hosting an internal competition energizes employees and unlocks game-changing ideas. Benefits are:

  • Fosters entrepreneurial spirit through a fun and friendly “Shark Tank” like event.
  •  Leverages insider expertise as employees form teams and pitch ideas.
  •  Drives real business impact as the best ideas are funded and implemented.
  •  Sparks creativity from the bottom up.
  •  Provides executives firsthand insight into customer needs.
  •  Encourages collaboration across silos and builds camaraderie.
  •  Aligns innovation directly with strategic goals.
  •  Allows employees to showcase passion and make an impact.
  •  Taps into immense creativity within the organization.

An internal competition rallies your workforce around your mission to deliver tangible returns. Employees become more engaged, executives more informed, and game-changing ideas become a reality in a short time frame.

We have run hundreds of workshops, from creating ideas through prototypes and implementation, and always have more opportunities than time or funding to implement. Employees always come out of these workshops with a new purpose and engagement.

An internal competition is a proven way to tap into your organization’s immense creativity and align it directly with your strategic goals.

Your employees are eager to make an impact—give them the stage and see their passion come to life!

On-going AI Integration

As we perform these workshops and mini-competitions, we engage your Project Management Office (PMO) to integrate these new technologies, processes, and offerings so they are tracked and analyzed in compliance with your company processes and standards.

We aim to enable you and your team to get up-to-speed as fast as possible to free up costs and increase revenues. That’s why the name of our service offering, Insider Catalyst, is focused on you and your employees.

Who is this for?

This program is for organizations that want to introduce AI in a structured way to gain the maximum benefit.

Small and mid-sized businesses.

Divisions of larger companies can use this as a test or pilot.

NGOs that want to start using AI in their operations.

Non-profits looking to engage better with donors and recipients.

Associations to bring an added benefit to their membership to help them “get into the game” now. We can add an introductory AI workshop before or after your annual or regional meetings.

Let’s get Started

Now is the time to activate your most valuable asset – your people. Insider Catalyst provides the techniques, tools, and framework to fuel innovation and business impact continuously.

Keep the competition from seizing AI’s advantage to your company. Contact us today to implement Insider Catalyst and unlock your workforce’s full potential to drive innovation from within.

Ready to explore how you can get your team ready for success with AI? Select the link below to start the discussion.

Don’t let this be you.